Remove extra hair with hot wax

A lot of waxing technique and experience. Strip wax is easy and works very well on large areas like the legs and arms. Hot wax is good for sensitive areas. These ares are sensitive and we have difficulty to remove hairs but hot wax is good for such areas. Such as, the bikini, underarms and during pregnancy.  The heat of the wax also opens the pores, so in hot wax method  should make the treatment less painful. Hot wax apply on the skin, which meaning it can be remove off quickly to remove the hairs.


Easy way to make hot wax at home.

  • Place lemon juice, sugar, and water in the pan on the oven(stove) etc
  • While it’s cooling, apply on your arms and slip.
  • Take out some wax about the size of a ball.
  •  Spread on your leg with the help of stick and remove it and see the result.